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Message from The Founder

Achieving a zero "product carbon footprint" (PCF) seems like an impossible task. Nonetheless, there exists a concept to either capture, store, and/or utilize carbon independently to remove greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere or to opt for purchasing carbon credits, paying carbon taxes, leveraging the efforts of others to offset their own GHG emissions, thereby achieving "net-zero carbon emissions."

However, the primary objective of compliance is to assist manufacturers in reducing the carbon footprint of their products. Selling products with a low carbon footprint benefits both consumers and manufacturers.

In the current market landscape dominated by two major trends: "artificial intelligence" and "net-zero carbon emissions," COCOONCO2 Pte. Ltd. stands at the forefront of the latter. By converting captured carbon into carbon-utilized chemicals and integrating them into customers' manufacturing processes, COCOONCO2 Pte. Ltd. ensures efficiency enhancement in "Scope 1", specifically within the cement and concrete industries, the significant contributors to high GHG emissions.

Recent publications highlight that current cement performance is still underutilized by 15%, prompting the exploration of new designs or recipes for improvement. Finer grinding can accelerate cement's late strength development, enabling the addition of inert substances to reduce carbon emissions. Green limestone cement has emerged as a possible solution, although it consumes more energy during grinding and may lower productivity. Its late-stage strength is not as good as ordinary Portland cement. After all, the inert substances impair the performance.

In addition to physical option of grinding to limestone cement, chemical additives are also being developed to further enhance cement's performance, albeit not yet fully integrated into leading chemical kinetic mechanisms.

Notably, COCOONCO2 Pte. Ltd. has filed a patent of "Additives, Cementitious Compositions Containing Additives and Their Application," including ettringite, which boosts initial strength development, its unsound but rapid lattice formation will collapse the subsequent strength development to the concrete. The Additive controls the unrestricted growth of ettringite. The innovative Additive also converts carbon-utilized chemicals into calcium carbonate in concrete, enhancing strength and addressing water starvation issues. The presence of water molecules allows the C-S-H colloid to be generated to stabilize the strength development to concrete continuously. Simultaneously, the Additive chelates inorganic ions (including calcium, aluminum, silicon, iron, etc.), enabling chemical reactions fully within cement’s micro structures, favoring a denser concrete, then the overall strength performance is superior than ever.

With these advancements, cement plants can incorporate inert substances more safely, maintaining productivity efficiency without having to grind it more finely; concrete plants can reduce the usage of cementitious materials, indirectly reducing the dosed amount of cement, or increasing the use of slags, fly ashes, and other natural materials of lower PCF and saving some material costs... etc. Green limestone cement can potentially reduce carbon emissions by 8 to 15% per ton compared to regular one; to concrete based on full cement as cementitious material (binder), carbon emissions can be reduced by 10 to 50% per cubic meter. Today, global cement production capacity exceeds 4 billion tons per year, while concrete demand exceeds 1 billion cubic meters. It is offering substantial business opportunities in the face of global cement and concrete demand.

Let us embrace this innovative approach to reduce "product carbon footprint, PCF" in the cement and concrete industries.

Keith Wu

Business Wire (a Berkshire Hathaway Company) estimates, annual demand of concrete for all constructions of residential, piping, blocks and pre-casting globally up to 2022, is over 1 billion cubic meters. It consumes around 2.0 ~ 2.5 billion metric tons of Portland cement, and exhausts equivalent tonnages of CO2 to atmosphere a year.

Cement & concrete industry sets forth Net Zero Concrete by 2050 in Roadmap. Top priority from industry players will be the reduction of GHG emission from the five steps of product life cycle assessment:

Step 1 – raw materials;
Step 2 – manufacturing;
Step 3 – transportation;
Step 4 - usage and,
Step 5 – recycling,

in light of the indicator of product carbon footprint (PCF) as the progress demonstrated.

Then to remove CO2 from atmosphere as the second option to supplement the carbon Net Zero. Nowadays the recognized standards are delivered via VCS, GS…etc. as certificates from different platforms. CO2 storage underground or planting trees are options for example.

Carbon tax and carbon credit transaction are mandatory means by global authorities to complement the remaining CO2 reduction to Zero. The utmost target is the PCF reduction from each industry player, to substantially achieve GHG emission reduction, and avoid the worsening of the current irreversible global warming effect.


About Us

CO2 Is Stored in COCOON

We connect chemistry to constructions, dedicating on cement, cementitious materials and concrete itself, in order to head the way of Zero Carbon Concrete by 2050. We apply COCOONCO2 , to store CO2 in COCOON and create credit certificates to Green and Low Carbon Initiatives related.

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Increasing papers release as patents that cement is not fully utilized in concrete. By certain additives, either we can add more inert as green cement, increase SCM dosage in concrete design, or reduce the usage of cementitious materials as binder in concrete, around 5 ~ 15%, it can achieve the same designed engineering strength. Indirectly, it reduces PCF (product carbon footprint) and GHG emission.

The basic theories cover a better dispersion to cement particles to allow additives’ chemical mechanisms taking place on the surface of each, retarding a too rapid disordered lattice formation, chelating the inorganic ions in cementitious materials and, contributing better lattice formation in whole distribution…etc.

CO₂ Stored in COCOONCO2

Carbon Sequestration

A novel technology to adopt CO2 embedded carbonates in COCOONCO2, 0.1~>30% CO2 can be stored in cement, cementitious materials and/or concrete through blending, no any carbon leakage in processing.

Reducing cement dosage by COCOONCO2 when concrete strength development being enhanced.

Cement Reduced

This is the essence of COCOONCO2. When to produce concrete, water triggers cementitious materials’ hydration reaction and releases heat, chemical mechanism of COCOONCO2 also reacts. It works in three aspects: to ettringite for initial strength; CO2 to react with calcium hydroxide into calcium carbonate for early strength, and to C-S-H gel for continuous strength development.

Along with the strength development to concrete performing over-qualified from the design, cement dosage can be reduced in cementitious materials, or being substituted by inert in cement (claiming as Green Cement) or more other supplementary cement materials (SCM), such as slag or fly ash, the lower PCF materials, hence CO2 emission can be reduced. With some specific recipes, it can reduce 5 ~ > 50% of cement usage.

Drop-in application of COCOONCO2

Powder and liquid form

COCOONCO2 is able to present in powder and liquid form to apply to cement, SCM and concrete respectively. It can be introduced to green cement together with calcium carbonate blending to substitute part of cement feedstocks; to SCM to substitute part of slag and fly ash (in terms of powder form above); or to concrete together water reducing admixture in pouring the flowable concrete into moldings of construction (in liquid form). No need of additional equipment to regular operation.


It’s to demonstrate the performance of COCOONCO2 in CO₂ sequestration and late strength enhancement

SGS/bsi – performance proof


It’s to provide the service to COCOONCO2 clients working together for a verified option VCS with VCU, as a proof of a lowered and recognized PCF, as well as transaction of carbon rights in public platforms.

Verified Carbon System

Under construction.

Verified Carbon Unit

Under construction.


Lower PCF to product

Lower PCF to product

By means of COCOONCO2, Cement and Ready Mix Concrete producers can store kilogram(s) of CO2 as an option of Carbon Captured Storge (CCS), and utilize it as feedstock to synthesize to formulated products for functions in terms of Carbon Captured Utilization (CCU) which will offset CO2 generated in manufacturing. Along with the late strength enhancement, designers will be able to reduce cement and SCM to meet engineering spec., lower PCF counts. Rough estimation, > 20 kgs CO2 will be reduced in a cubic meter concrete, both from carbon sequestration and reduction.

Cost Saving

Cost Saving

By means of COCOONCO2, Cement and Ready Mix Concrete producers will be exempted from carbon tax and cement/SCM cost from raw materials. Rough estimation, it will be a few US dollars’ saving in a cubic meter.

Performance Enhancement

Performance Enhancement

By means of COCOONCO2, it will deliver higher density concrete with stronger strength, and the protection to steel bars from concrete’s neutralization (calcium carbonate or chloride’s formation to cause steel bar’s erosion while pH value in concrete drops).

Carbon Credit Transaction

Carbon Credit Transaction

By means of COCOONCO2, Cement and Ready Mix Concrete producers can trade Carbon Credit if there is excessive saving of CO₂ emission to the ceiling of mandatory mass control.

Image of a Sustainable Vendor

Image of a Sustainable Vendor

By means of COCOONCO2, Cement and Ready Mix Concrete producers will be considered a sustainable manufacturer who can initiatively reduce CO₂ emission as a low PCF supplier, won’t be phased out in market.

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